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Web design uses all the same elements as print design. You need to explore the space and layout, handle fonts and colors, and put it all together in a format that puts your message across. These resources will help you learn Web design whether you are already a professional Web developer or just getting started in the Web arena.

Web design is the process of planning and creating a website.Text, images, digital media and interactive elements are used by web designers to produce the page seen on the web browser.Web designers utilize markup language, most notably HTML for structure and CSS for presentation as well as JavaScript to add interactivity to develop pages that can be read by web browsers.As a whole, the process of web design can include conceptualization, planning, producing, post-production, research, advertising.

Web designing is all about writing code that is valid HTML and CSS which make it easier to correct problems, and edit pages.HTML and CSS are the fundamental technologies for building web pages:(X)HTML for structure, accompanied by CSS for style and layout.By separating the presentation style of documents from the content of documents, CSS simplifies web authoring and site maintenance.For example, having a separate CSS file allows for making aesthetic changes to the entire website rather than just to a single web page. If CSS rules are included within a single HTML page, changes would have to be made to each and every page that used the element in question.

The reasoning is that HTML should only be used for raw content and CSS be used to manipulate the content for aesthetic style.Web design graphics definitely play a major role in marketing your website and are therefore,a very efficient and effective way of boosting your sales. It is very likely that your graphics give the potential customer their first impression of your site and it is very important that a consistent overall image of your site is created. The quality and positioning of the graphics contained in your  website are essential for it to look both attractive and professional.